Universal computation with limited resources: Belousov-Zhabotinsky and Physarum computers
Universal decay of classical Loschmidt echo of neutrally stable but mixing dynamics
Universal decay of scalar turbulence
Universal diffusion near the golden chaos border
Universal driving structure of self-sustained oscillatory complex networks
Universal formats for nonlinear dynamical systems
Universal fractal scaling of self-organized networks
Universal fractal structures in the weak interaction of solitary waves in generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Universal functions and exactly solvable chaotic systems
Universal intermittent properties of particle trajectories in highly turbulent flows
Universal level-spacing distribution in quantum systems
Universal long-time properties of Lagrangian statistics in the Batchelor regime and their application to the passive scalar problem
Universal Mandelbrot Set as a Model of Phase Transition Theory
Universal Model of Finite-Reynolds Number Turbulent Flow in Channels and Pipes
Universal Multifractal Properties of the Small Scale Intermittency in Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Turbulence
Universal occurrence of mixed-synchronization in counter-rotating nonlinear coupled oscillators
Universal Power-law Decay in Hamiltonian Systems?
Universal Quantification for Self-Organized Criticality in Atmospheric Flows
Universal R operator with deformed conformal symmetry
Universal R operator with Jordanian deformation of conformal symmetry