Self-Emerging and Turbulent Chimeras in Oscillator Chains
Self-Equalization of Energies of Solitons in Transmission Systems by Guiding Filters
Self-Interacting Electron as a Nonlinear Dynamical System
Self-localization of laser induced tumor coagulation limited by heat diffusion through active tissue
Self-organised criticality and 1/f noise in single-channel current of voltage-dependent anion channel
Self-organising mechanism of neuronal avalanche activity
Self-Organization and Finite Velocity of Transmitting Substance and Energy through Space-Time
Self-Organization and hysteresis in a simple plasma model
Self-Organization in Models of Populations with Two-Parent Reproduction on a Rugged Fitness Landscape
Self-organization in nonlinear wave turbulence
Self-organization of hierarchical structures in nonlocally coupled replicator models
Self-organization of ultrasound in viscous fluids
Self-organization processes in laser system with nonlinear absorber and external force influence
Self-organization using synaptic plasticity
Self-organization, ergodicity breaking, phase transition and synchronization in two-dimensional traffic-flow model
Self-organized and driven phase synchronization in coupled map scale free networks
Self-organized and driven phase synchronization in coupled maps
Self-Organized Bottleneck and Coexistence of Incongruous States in a Microwave Phonon Laser (Phaser)
Self-Organized Characteristics of the International System
Self-Organized Critical Models Without Local Particle Conservation Laws On Superlattices