Second harmonic generation: Goursat problem on the semi-strip and explicit solutions
Second moment of the Husimi distribution as a measure of complexity of quantum states
Second order additive invariants in elementary cellular automata
Second order Lax pairs of nonlinear partial differential equations with Schwarz variants
Second order quasilinear PDEs and conformal structures in projective space
Second Order Superintegrable Systems in Three Dimensions
Second quantization approach to characteristic polynomials in RMT
Second-harmonic generation in vortex-induced waveguides
Second-order perturbation theory for the parametrically driven NLS solitons
Secondary Image Synthesis In Electronic Computer Photography (Vtorichnyj Sintez Izobrazhenij V Elektronnoj Komp'Yuternoj Fotografii)
Secondary instabilities form a codimension-2 point accompanied by a homoclinic bifurcation
Secondary instabilities of hexagons: a bifurcation analysis of experimentally observed Faraday wave patterns
Secondary Instabilities of Surface Waves on Viscous Fluids in the Faraday Instability
Secular motion around synchronously orbiting planetary satellites
Secure Communication Scheme Based on Asymptotic Model of Deterministic Randomness
Secure Communication using Compound Signal from Generalized Synchronizable Chaotic Systems
Secure Digital Signal Transmission by Multistep Parameter Modulation and Alternative Driving of Transmitter Variables
Security analysis of communication system based on the synchronization of different order chaotic systems
Security problems with a chaos-based deniable authentication scheme
Security problems with a SC-CNN-based Chaotic Masking Secure Communication System