ROSAT/Asca Observations of the Mixed-Morphology Supernova Remnant W28
Rotating Accelerator-Mode Islands
Rotating Concentric Circular Peakons
Rotating Convection in an Anisotropic System
Rotating optical soliton clusters
Rotating Rayleigh-Bénard Convection: Aspect Ratio Dependence of the Initial Bifurcations
Rotating soliton solutions in nonlocal nonlinear media
Rotating Spiral Waves with Phase-Randomized Core in Non-locally Coupled Oscillators
Rotating Spirals without Phase Singularity in Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Rotating waves in the Theta model for a ring of synaptically connected neurons
Rotation Axis Variation Due To Spin Orbit Resonance
Rotation numbers of invariant manifolds around unstable periodic orbits for the diamagnetic Kepler problem
Route to Chaos in the $^{15}NH_{3}$ far infrared ring laser
Route to Chaos in Three-Dimensional Maps of Logistic Type
Route to chaotic synchronisation in coupled map lattices: Rigorous results
Routes to chaos in high-dimensional dynamical systems: A qualitative numerical study
Routes to synchrony between asymmetrically interacting oscillator ensembles
Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius spectrum for Anosov maps
Ruelle-Pollicott resonances for real analytic hyperbolic map
Rules of discretization for Painlevé equations