Revisiting the Gaia Hypothesis: Maximum Entropy, Kauffman's 'Fourth Law' and Physiosemeiosis
Reynolds number dependence of drag reduction by rod-like polymers
Riccati Solutions of Discrete Painlevé Equations with Weyl Group Symmetry of Type $E_8^{(1)}$
Ricci Flow and Nonlinear Reaction--Diffusion Systems in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
Rich Variety of Bifurcations and Chaos in a Variant of Murali-Lakshmanan-Chua Circuit
Riddled-like Basin in Two-Dimensional Map for Bouncing Motion of an Inelastic Particle on a Vibrating Board
Riddling and chaotic synchronization of coupled piecewise-linear Lorenz maps
Riding a Spiral Wave: Numerical Simulation of Spiral Waves in a Co-Moving Frame of Reference
Riemann zeros, prime numbers and fractal potentials
Riemann zeta function and quantum chaos
Riemann zeta function is a fractal
Riemann-Hilbert problem for the small dispersion limit of the KdV equation and linear overdetermined systems of Euler-Poisson-Darboux type
Riemann-Hilbert Problems with canonical normalization and families of commuting operators
Riemann-Liouville integrals of fractional order and extended KP hierarchy
Rifts in Spreading Wax Layers
Rigged Hilbert Space Approach to Spectral Analysis of the Frobenius-Perron Operator for the Tent-map
Right on time: Measuring Kuramoto model coupling from a survey of wristwatches
Rigid motions: action-angles, relative cohomology and polynomials with roots on the unit circle
Rigidity, Functional Equations and the Calogero-Moser Model
Ring dark solitary waves: experiment versus theory