Resonant flux motion and I-V -characteristics in frustrated Josephson junctions
Resonant fluxon transmission through impurities
Resonant forcing of nonlinear systems of differential equations
Resonant interactions in Bénard-Marangoni convection in cylindrical containers
Resonant Interactions in Rotating Homogeneous Three-dimensional Turbulence
Resonant interactions of nonlinear water waves in a finite basin
Resonant light scattering by optical solitons
Resonant light-light interaction in slab waveguides: angular filters and spectral hole burning
Resonant nonlinearity management for nonlinear-Schrödinger solitons
Resonant normal form for even periodic FPU chains
Resonant phenomena in extended chaotic systems subject to external noise: the Lorenz'96 model case
Resonant phenomena in slowly perturbed elliptic billiards
Resonant solitons from the $3\times 3$ operator
Resonant triad dynamics in weakly damped Faraday waves with two-frequency forcing
Resonantly driven wobbling kinks
Resonantly Forced Inhomogeneous Reaction-Diffusion Systems
Resource Letter TF-1: Turbulence in Fluids
Resource Sharing and Coevolution in Evolving Cellular Automata
Response Curves and Preimage Sequences of Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata
Response curves for cellular automata in one and two dimensions - an example of rigorous calculations