Parametric excitation and chaos through dust-charge fluctuation in a dusty plasma
Parametric Forcing of Waves with Non-Monotonic Dispersion Relation: Domain Structures in Ferrofluids?
Parametric localized modes in quadratic nonlinear photonic structures
Parametric ordering of complex systems
Parametric Representation for the Multisoliton Solution of the Camassa-Holm Equation
Parametric statistics of zeros of Husimi representations of quantum chaotic eigenstates and random polynomials
Parametric, nonparametric and parametric modelling of a chaotic circuit time series
Parametrically controlling solitary wave dynamics in modified Kortweg-de Vries equation
Parametrically Driven Dark Solitons
Parametrically Excited Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations
Parametrically excited surface waves in magnetic fluids: observation of domain structures
Parametrically Excited Surface Waves: Two-Frequency Forcing, Normal Form Symmetries, and Pattern Selection
Parametrically excited water surface ripples as ensembles of oscillons
Parametrically forced sine-Gordon equation and domain walls dynamics in ferromagnets
Parasupersymmetric structure of the Boussinesq-type systems
Paraxial light in a Cole-Cole nonlocal medium: integrable regimes and singularities
Parity and Ruin in a Stochastic Game
Parity Problem With A Cellular Automaton Solution
Parking in the city
Parry measure and the topological entropy of chaotic repellers embedded within chaotic attractors