Proof of the marginal stability bound for the Swift-Hohenberg equation and related equations
Propagating two-dimensional magnetic droplets
Propagation and control of nano-scale, magnetic droplet solitons
Propagation and interaction of extremely short electromagnetic pulses in non-linear media
Propagation and interaction of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses in nonlinear media with a quadratic-cubic nonlinearity
Propagation and Structure of Planar Streamer Fronts
Propagation Failure in Excitable Media
Propagation failure of traveling waves in a discrete bistable medium
Propagation of an optical pulse in a fiber link with random dispersion management
Propagation of Axi-Symmetric Nonlinear Shallow Water Waves over Slowly Varying Depth
Propagation of Discrete Solitons in Inhomogeneous Networks
Propagation of exremely short pulses in non-resonant media: the total Maxwell-Duffing model
Propagation of extremely short electromagnetic pulses in a doubly-resonant medium
Propagation of Information in Populations of Self-Replicating Code
Propagation of localized optical waves in media with dispersion, in dispersionless media and in vacuum. Non-diffracting pulses
Propagation of travelling waves in sub-excitable systems driven by noise and periodic forcing
Propagation of videopulse through a thin layer of two-level atoms possessing permanent dipole moments
Propagation Of Waves In Periodic-Heterogeneous Bistable Systems
Proper initial conditions for the lubrication model of the flow of a thin film of fluid
Properties making a chaotic system a good Pseudo Random Number Generator