Probability Density Functions of Decaying Passive Scalars in Periodic Domains : An Application of Sinai-Yakhot Theory
Probability of local bifurcation type from a fixed point: A random matrix perspective
Probing Hamiltonian dynamics by means of the 0-1 test for chaos
Probing structures in channel flow through SO(3) and SO(2) decomposition
Probing the local dynamics of periodic orbits by the generalized alignment index (GALI) method
Problem of Metrizability for the Dynamical Systems Accepting the Normal Shift
Profit Maximization, Industry Structure, and Competition: A critique of neoclassical theory
Programmable reconfiguration of Physarum machines
Progressive motion of an ac-driven kink in an annular damped system
Project Dynamics and Emergent Complexity
Projection Operator in Adaptive Systems
Projective differential geometry of higher reductions of the two-dimensional Dirac equation
Projective reduction of the discrete Painlevé system of type $(A_2+A_1)^{(1)}$
Projective simulation for classical and quantum learning agents
Projective synchronization in fractional order chaotic systems and its control
Prolongation Algebra and Backlund Transformations of Drinfeld-Sokolov System of Equations
Prolongation structure of the Krichever-Novikov equation
Promiscuity and the Evolution of Sexual Transmitted Diseases
Proof of Nishida's conjecture on anharmonic lattices
Proof of the generalized Lieb-Wehrl conjecture for integer indices larger than one