Precision Measurements of Stretching and Compression in Fluid Mixing
Predict-prevent control method for perturbed excitable systems
Predictability and Prediction for an Experimental Cultural Market
Predictability in the large: an extension of the concept of Lyapunov exponent
Predictability of El Niño as a Nonlinear Stochastic Limit Cycle
Predictability of extreme events in a branching diffusion model
Predictability of the energy cascade in 2D turbulence
Predictability of the large relaxations in a cellular automaton model
Predictability: a way to characterize Complexity
Predicting equation from Chaotic data by Nonlinear Singular Value Decomposition
Predicting Non-linear Cellular Automata Quickly by Decomposing Them into Linear Ones
Predicting Pre-monsoon Thunderstorms -A Statistical View through Propositional Logic
Predicting rogue waves in random oceanic sea states
Prediction and Adaptation in an Evolving Chaotic Environment
Prediction and measurement of transient responses of first difference based chaos control for 1-dimensional maps
Prediction and Modularity in Dynamical Systems
Prediction Errors and Local Lyapunov Exponents
Prediction of Large Events on a Dynamical Model of a Fault
Predictions of ultra-harmonic oscillations in coupled arrays of limit cycle oscillators
Predictive Analysis for Social Diffusion: The Role of Network Communities