Oscillatory Instabilities of Standing Waves in One-Dimensional Nonlinear Lattices
Oscillatory instability in super-diffusive reaction -- diffusion systems: fractional amplitude and phase diffusion equations
Oscillatory instability of crack propagations in quasi-static fracture
Oscillatory phase transition and pulse propagation in noisy integrate-and-fire neurons
Oscillon-type Structures and Their Interaction in a Swift-Hohenberg Model
Oscillons: an encounter with dynamical chaos in 1953?
Outer-totalistic cellular automata on graphs
Outliers, Extreme Events and Multiscaling
Output functions and fractal dimensions in dynamical systems
Over-barrier decay of the mixed state
Overcoming Obstacles to Integrability I: Perturbed Diffusive Systems
Overcoming Obstacles to Integrability in Perturbed Nonlinear Evolution Equations
Overcoming the wall in the semiclassical baker's map