Optical Vortices and Vortex Solitons
Optical vortices in dispersive nonlinear Kerr type media
Optically Controlled Jitter Generator
Optimal Asymptotic Entrainment of Phase-Reduced Oscillators
Optimal disorder for segregation in annealed small worlds
Optimal Markov Approximations and Generalized Embeddings
Optimal network topologies for information transmission in active networks
Optimal Phase Description of Chaotic Oscillators
Optimal phase response curves for stochastic synchronization of limit-cycle oscillators by common Poisson noise
Optimal phase space projection for noise reduction
Optimal switching policies using coarse timesteppers
Optimal Synchronization in Space
Optimal synchronization on strongly connected directed networks
Optimal time delay embedding for nonlinear time series modeling
Optimal Tree for Both Synchronizability and Converging Time
Optimal View Angle in Collective Dynamics of Self-propelled Agents
Optimal waveform for the entrainment of a weakly forced oscillator
Optimization of synchronization in gradient clustered networks
Optimized Periodic Control of Chaotic Systems
Optimized suppression of coherent noise from seismic data using the Karhunen-Loeve transform