Noise corrections to stochastic trace formulas
Noise Correlations in Shear Flows
Noise effects in extended chaotic system: study on the Lorenz'96 model
Noise Induced Dissipation in Discrete-Time Classical and Quantum Dynamical Systems
Noise Reduces Disorder in Chaotic Dynamics
Noise Stabilized Random Attractor
Noise sustained pattern growth: Bulk versus boundary effects
Noise sustained propagation: Local versus global noise
Noise Transformation in Nonlinear System with Intensity Dependent Phase Rotation
Noise, Bifurcations, and Modeling of Interacting Particle Systems
Noise-amplitude dependence of the invariant density for noisy, fully chaotic one-dimensional maps
Noise-assisted Multibit Storage Device
Noise-dependent stability of the synchronized state in a coupled system of active rotators
Noise-enhanced reconstruction of attractors
Noise-enhanced trapping in chaotic scattering
Noise-free Stochastic Resonance in Simple Chaotic Systems
Noise-induced bifurcations, Multiscaling and On-Off intermittency
Noise-induced breakdown of coherent collective motion in swarms
Noise-induced clustering in Hamiltonian systems
Noise-induced cooperative dynamics and its control in coupled neuron models