New exact multi line soliton and periodic solutions with constant asymptotic values at infinity of the NVN integrable nonlinear evolution equation via dibar-dressing method
New exact solutions for the discrete fourth Painlevé equation
New Exact Solutions of a Generalized Shallow Water Wave Equation
New exact solutions of two-dimensional integrable generalizations of Kaup-Kuperschmidt and Sawada-Kotera equations via the $\bar\partial$-dressing method
New exact travelling wave solutions for the K(2,2) equation with osmosis dispersion
New explicit exact solutions for the Liénard equation and its applications
New geometries associated with the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
New Hamiltonian formalism and Lagrangian representations for integrable hydrodynamic type systems
New Integrable Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations
New Integrable Family in the n-Dimensional Homogeneous Lotka-Volterra Systems with Abelian Lie Algebra
New Integrable Hierarchies from Vertex Operator Representations of Polynomial Lie Algebras
New Integrable Multi-Component NLS Type Equations on Symmetric Spaces: Z_4 and Z_6 Reductions
New integrable string-like fields in 1+1 dimensions
New integrable systems of derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equations with multiple components
New integrable systems related to the relativistic Toda lattice
New Kinds of Acoustic Solitons
New Lax pair for restricted multiple three wave interaction system, quasiperiodic solutions and bi-hamiltonian structure
New methods in nonequilibrium gases and fluids
New multidimensional partially integrable generalization of S-integrable N-wave equation
New Nonlocal Charges in SUSY Integrable Models