Neural network design for J function approximation in dynamic programming
Neutral Evolution of Mutational Robustness
Neutrality: A Necessity for Self-Adaptation
Neutrally bouyant particles and bailout embeddings in three-dimensional flows
New 2x2-matrix linear problems for the Painleve equations
New approach to the correlation spectrum near intermittency: a quantum mechanical analogy
New approach to the treatment of separatrix chaos and its application to the global chaos onset between adjacent separatrices
New Approaches to Soliton Quantization and Existence for Particle Physics
New approximation for nonlinear evolution in periodic potentials
New aspects of the continuous phase transition in the scalar noise model (SNM) of collective motion
New Bisoltion Solutions in Dispersion Managed Systems
New Cellular Automata associated with the Schroedinger Discrete Spectral Problem
New Characterization of Disorder Taming Spatiotemporal Chaos
New Class of Eigenstates in Generic Hamiltonian Systems
New class of symmetries for self-gravitating hydrodynamics equations
New connections between moving curves and soliton equations
New contiguity relation of the sixth Painlevé equation from a truncation
New Darboux Transformation for Hirota-Satsuma coupled KdV System
New derivation of soliton solutions to the AKNS$_2$ system via dressing transformation methods
New exact fronts for the nonlinear diffusion equation with quintic nonlinearities