Numerical Replication of Computer Simulations: Some Pitfalls and How To Avoid Them
Numerical simulations of flow reversal in Rayleigh--Bénard convection
Numerical Solution of the Schroedinger Equation using a Quantum Lattice Boltzmann Equation}
Numerical Studies of Localized Structures on an Uneven Bottom in Two Dimensions
Numerical studies of stabilized Townes solitons
Numerical studies on chaoticity of a classical hard-wall billiard with openings
Numerical study of a three-dimensional generalized stadium billiard
Numerical study of the KP equation for non-periodic waves
Numerical study on diverging probability density function of flat-top solitons in an extended Korteweg-de Vries equation
Numerical Techniques for the Study of Long-Time Correlations
Numerical verification of Percival's conjecture in a quantum billiard