Nonlinear supratransmission as a fundamental instability
Nonlinear supratransmission in multicomponent systems
Nonlinear Supression of Tunneling and Strong Localization in Bose-Einstein Condensates with Spatially Inhomogeneous Interactions
Nonlinear surface impurity in a semi-infinite 2D square lattice
Nonlinear theory of autooscillations of quasiplanar interface during directional solidification
Nonlinear theory of soliton-induced waveguides
Nonlinear transfer and spectral distribution of energy in $α$ turbulence
Nonlinear vertical oscillations of a particle in a sheath of a rf discharge
Nonlinear Vibration in Gear Systems
Nonlinear waves and related nonintegrable and integrable systems
Nonlinear waves in bubbly liquids with consideration for viscosity and heat transfer
Nonlinear waves in disordered chains: probing the limits of chaos and spreading
Nonlinear Waves in Disordered Diatomic Granular Chains
Nonlinear Waves in Lattices: Past, Present, Future
Nonlinear waves in Newton's cradle and the discrete p-Schroedinger equation
Nonlinear waves, differential resultant, computer algebra and completely integrable dynamical systems
Nonlinearity and disorder: Classification and stability of nonlinear impurity modes
Nonlinearity effects in the kicked oscillator
Nonlinearity Management in Dispersion Managed System
Nonlinearity Management in Optics: Experiment, Theory, and Simulation