Management of localized energy in discrete nonlinear transmission lines
Managing Complexity
Manifestation of anisotropy persistence in the hierarchies of MHD scaling exponents
Manifestations of Drag Reduction by Polymer Additives in Decaying, Homogeneous, Isotropic Turbulence
Manipulating Consciousness
Manipulation and removal of defects in spontaneous optical patterns
Manipulation of Vortices by Localized Impurities in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Many Roads to Synchrony: Natural Time Scales and Their Algorithms
Many-body symbolic dynamics of a classical oscillator chain
Many-Body Theory of Synchronization by Long-Range Interactions
Map representation of the time-delayed system in the presence of Delay Time Modulation: an Application to the stability analysis
Mapping Between Generalized Nonlinear Schroedinger Equations and Neutral Scalar Field Theories and New Solutions of the Cubic-Quintic NLS Equation
Mapping Model of Chaotic Phase Synchronization
Mapping Self-Organized Criticality onto Criticality
Mapping the Arnold web with a GPU-supercomputer
Mappings and Integrators on the Edge of Chaos
Mappings preserving locations of movable poles: a new extension of the truncation method to ordinary differential equations
Maps for analysis of nonlinear dynamics
Maps, PDE's and Solitary Waves
Marginal hyperchaos synchronization with a single driving variable