Multifractals via recurrence times ?
Multifrequency Forcing of a Hopf Oscillator Model of the Inner Ear
Multilayered feed forward Artificial Neural Network model to predict the average summer-monsoon rainfall in India
Multilayered folding with voids
Multilinear Operators: The Natural Extension Of Hirota's Bilinear Formalism
Multimode nematicon waveguides
Multipath Amplification of Chaotic Radio Pulses and UWB Communications
Multipeakons and a theorem of Stieltjes
Multipeakons and the Classical Moment Problem
Multiple addition theorem for discrete and continuous nonlinear problems
Multiple Attractor Bifurcations: A Source of Unpredictability in Piecewise Smooth Systems
Multiple Attractor in Newton -Leipnik System, Peak to Peak dynamics and Chaos Control
Multiple Components in Narrow Planetary Rings
Multiple filamentation induced by input-beam ellipticity
Multiple Front Propagation into Unstable States
Multiple Hamiltonian structure of Bogoyavlensky-Toda lattices
Multiple mechanisms of spiral wave breakup in a model of cardiac electrical activity
Multiple orthogonal polynomials, string equations and the large-n limit
Multiple permanent-wave trains in nonlinear systems
Multiple Perron-Frobenius operators