Models for optical solitons in the two-cycle regime
Models for the size distribution of businesses in a price driven market
Models of Extinction: A Review
Models of Opinion Formation: Influence of Opinion Leaders
Modes of nonlinear acoustic transparency in the strained paramagnetic crystal
Modified dispersionless Veselov--Novikov equations and corresponding hydrodynamic chains
Modified KdV hierarchy : Lax pair representation and bi-Hamiltonian structure
Modified Korteweg-de Vries Hierachies in Multiple-Times Variables and the Solutions of Modified Boussinesq Equations
Modified KP and Discrete KP
Modifying the onset of homoclinic chaos. Application to a bistable potential
Modular Frobenius manifolds and their invariant flows
Modular Random Boolean Networks
Modular Transformations, Order-Chaos Transitions and Pseudo-Random Number Generation
Modulated Amplitude Waves and Defect Formation in the One-Dimensional Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation
Modulated Amplitude Waves and the Transition from Phase to Defect Chaos
Modulated Amplitude Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Modulated Amplitude Waves in Collisionally Inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein Condensates
Modulated amplitude waves with nonzero phases in Bose-Einstein condensates
Modulated structures in electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals
Modulation of Localized States in Electroconvection