Mode Fluctuation Distribution for Spectra of Superconducting Microwave Billiards
Mode fluctuations as fingerprint of chaotic and non-chaotic systems
Mode resolved travel time statistics for elastic rays in three-dimensional billiards
Mode Selection in the Spontaneous Motion of an Alcohol Droplet
Mode-locking in coupled map lattices
Mode-Locking of mobile discrete breathers
Model dynamics on a multigrid across multiple length and time scales
Model error and sequential data assimilation. A deterministic formulation
Model for convection in binary liquids
Model for the spatio-temporal intermittency of the energy dissipation in turbulent flows
Model of Globally Coupled Duffing Flows
Model of self-replicating cell capable of self-maintenance
Model of the two level quantum dots ensemble interacting with coherent radiation
Model of Wealth and Goods Dynamics in a Closed Market
Model turbulent floods with the Smagorinski large eddy closure
Modeling diffusion of innovations with probabilistic cellular automata
Modeling Endogenous Social Networks: the Example of Emergence and Stability of Cooperation without Refusal
Modeling Kelvin Wave Cascades in Superfluid Helium
Modeling Multifractality of the Solar Wind
Modeling noise induced resonance in an excitable system: An alternative approach