Improved surrogate data for nonlinearity tests
Improvement of SNR with Chaotic Spreading Sequences for CDMA
Improving a method for the study of limit cycles of the Lienard equation
Improving the false nearest neighbors method with graphical analysis
Improving the Frequency Precision of Oscillators by Synchronization
Impulse Stability of Large Flocks: an Example
Impurity-induced stabilization of solitons in arrays of parametrically driven nonlinear oscillators
In phase and anti-phase syncronization of coupled homoclinic oscillators
In--out intermittency in PDE and ODE models
In-out intermittency in PDE and ODE models of axisymmetric mean-field dynamos
Incentives and regulations in bike-sharing systems with stations of finite capacity
Incoherent bound states in an infinite $XXZ$ chain at $Δ=-1/2$
Incoherent interaction of nematicons in bias-free liquid-crystal cells
Incoherent multi-gap optical solitons in nonlinear photonic lattices
Incoherent vector vortex-mode solitons in self-focusing nonlinear media
Incomplete approach to homoclinicity in a model with bent-slow manifold geometry
Incomplete noise-induced synchronization of spatially extended systems
Incompressible Turbulence as Nonlocal Field Theory
Increasing Average Period Lengths by Switching of Robust Chaos Maps in Finite Precision
Increasing the Efficiency of Energy Scavengers