Hierarchy of chaotic maps with an invariant measure and their compositions
Hierarchy of Chaotic maps with an invariant measure and their coupling
Hierarchy of general invariants for bivariate LPDOs
Hierarchy of Higher Dimensional Integrable System
Hierarchy of one and many-parameter families of elliptic chaotic maps of cn and sn types
Hierarchy of piecewise non-linear maps with non-ergodicity behavior
Hierarchy of quantum explicitly solvable and integrable models
Hierarchy of random deterministic chaotic maps with an invariant measure
Hierarchy of rational order families of chaotic maps with an invariant measure
High dimensional Schwarzian derivatives and Painlevé integrable models
High frequency integrable regimes in nonlocal nonlinear optics
High Frequency Stochastic Resonance in Periodically Driven Systems
High Lewis number combustion wavefronts: a perturbative Melnikov analysis
High order explicit symplectic integrators for the Discrete Non Linear Schrödinger equation
High order WKB prediction of the energy splitting in the symmetric double well potential
High Rayleigh number turbulent convection in a gas near the gas-liquid critical point
High resolution numerical study of Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence using a thermal lattice Boltzmann scheme
High Speed Chaos in Optical Feedback System with Flexible Timescales
High Temperature Expansions and Dynamical Systems
High-order synchronization, transitions, and competition among Arnold tongues in a rotator under harmonic forcing