General solution for Hamiltonians with extended cubic and quartic potentials
General solution of functional equations defined by generic linear-fractional mappings F_1: C^N \to C^N and by generic maps birationally equivalent to F_1
General Stability Analysis of Synchronized Dynamics in Coupled Systems
General theory and examples of the inverse Frobenius-Perron problem
General theory of instabilities for patterns with sharp interfaces in reaction-diffusion systems
General Theory of the Quantum Kicked Rotator. I
General vorticity conservation
Generalisations of the Camassa-Holm equation
Generalised Fourier Transform and Perturbations to Soliton Equations
Generalised Fourier transform for the Camassa-Holm hierarchy
Generalised hydrodynamic reductions of the kinetic equation for soliton gas
Generalised Perk--Schultz models: solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with quantised orthosymplectic superalgebras
Generalised Recurrence Plot Analysis for Spatial Data
Generalised Wigner surmise for 2x2 random matrices
Generalising the logistic map through the $q$-product
Generalization of Conway's "Game of Life" to a continuous domain - SmoothLife
Generalization of Okamoto's equation to arbitrary $2\times 2$ Schlesinger systems
Generalization of Sato equation and systems of multidimensional nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Generalization of the classical Kramers rate for non-Markovian open systems out of equilibrium
Generalization of the Goraychev--Chaplygin Case