Flame front propagation V: Stability Analysis of Flame Fronts: Dynamical Systems Approach in the Complex Plane
Flame front propagation VI: Dynamics and Wrinkling of Radially Propagating Fronts Inferred from Scaling Laws in Channel Geometries
Flame Propagation Through Swirling Eddys, A Recursive Pattern
Flat bidifferential ideals and semihamiltonian PDEs
Flat Pencils of Symplectic Connections and Hamiltonian Operators of Degree 2
Flexible Time and the Evolution of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata
Flicker Noise in a Model of Coevolving Biological Populations
Flocking of Multi-agent Dynamical Systems Based on Pseudo-leader Mechanism
Flooding of regular islands by chaotic states
Floquet Stability Analysis of Ott-Grebogi-Yorke and Difference Control
Flow distributed oscillation, flow velocity modulation and resonance
Flow in the Driven Cavity Calculated by the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Flow induced by a randomly vibrating boundary
Flow induced ultrasound scattering: experimental studies
Flow pattern transition accompanied with sudden growth of flow resistance in two-dimensional curvilinear viscoelastic flows
Flow Patterns of Cellular Automata and Optimal-velocity Traffic Models at Highway Bottlenecks
Flow reversal in a simple dynamical model of turbulence
Flow- and Diffusion Distributed Structures with noise at the inlet
Flow-induced channelization in a porous medium
Fluctuation and Dissipation in Liquid Crystal Electroconvection