Breaking chirality in nonequilibrium systems on the lattice
Breaking conjugate pairing in thermostatted billiards by magnetic field
Breaking down the Fermi acceleration with inelastic collisions
Breaking parameter modulated chaotic secure communication system
Breaking projective chaos synchronization secure communication using filtering and generalized synchronization
Breaking the exponential wall in classical simulations of fidelity
Breaking time reversal symmetry in chaotic driven Rydberg atoms
Breakup of Shearless Meanders and "Outer" Tori in the Standard Nontwist Map
Breather continuation from infinity in nonlinear oscillator chains
Breather initial profiles in chains of weakly coupled anharmonic oscillators
Breather initial profiles in networks of weakly coupled anharmonic oscillators
Breather lattice and its stabilization for the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
Breather Statics and Dynamics in Klein--Gordon Chains with a Bend
Breather trapping and breather transmission in a DNA model with an interface
Breather-like pulses in a medium with the permanent dipole moment
Breathers and kinks in a simulated crystal experiment
Breathers for the Discrete Nonlinear Schr{ö}dinger equation with nonlinear hopping
Breathers in a model of a polymer with secondary structure
Breathers in a system with helicity and dipole interaction
Breathers in FPU systems, near and far from the phonon band