A Deterministic Approach to the Synchronization of Cellular Automata
A Diffusion Equation for Quantum Adiabatic Systems
A Diffusion Model for Classical Chaotic Compound Scattering
A Dirac Sea and thermodynamic equilibrium for the quantized three-wave interaction
A direct link between the quantum-mechanical and semiclassical determination of scattering resonances
A direct method for solving the generalized sine-Gordon equation
A direct method for solving the generalized sine-Gordon equation II
A discrete analogue of the modified Novikov-Veselov hierarchy
A discrete computer network model with expanding dimensions
A discrete linearizability test based on multiscale analysis
A discrete phi^4 system without Peierls-Nabarro barrier
A discrete Schrodinger spectral problem and associated evolution equations
A discrete time relativistic Toda lattice
A Discrete Variational Approach for Investigation of Stationary Localized States In A Discrete Nonlinear Schr$\ddot{\rm {\bf {o}}}$dinger Equation, Named IN-DNLS
A discrete variational identity on semi-direct sums of Lie algebras
A Discretization of the Nonholonomic Chaplygin Sphere Problem
A dispersionless integrable system associated to Diff$(S^1)$ gauge theory
A domain wall between single-mode and bimodal states and its transition to dynamical behavior in inhomogeneous systems
A Dynamical Approach to Fractional Brownian Motion
A Dynamical Approach to Temperature