Tanaka's equation on the circle and stochastic flows
Tangent Processes on Wiener Space
Target earth - It will happen
TASEP with Discontinuous Jump Rates
Tau functions of KP solitons realized in Wiener space
Tauberian theorems and large deviations
Taylor expansion for the solution of a stochastic differential equation driven by fractional Brownian motions
Taylor expansions of R-transforms, application to supports and moments
Taylor-Kubo Formula for Turbulent Diffusion in a Non-Mixing Flow with Long-Range Correlation
Technique for computing the PDFs and CDFs of non-negative infinitely divisible random variables
Techniques for designing hybrid diffractive optical systems
Techniques for the estimation of red power spectra. II Evaluation of alternative methods
Tectonic deformation of the southwestern part of the Yangtze craton inferred from paleomagnetism
Tectonic discrimination of basalts with classification trees
Teff and metallicities for Tycho-2 stars (Ammons+, 2006)
Tektites vs. terrestrial rocks: a comparison of variance in compositions
Temperature control for the primary mirror and seeing statistics of Subaru Telescope
Temperature control for the primary mirror of Subaru Telescope using the data from "Forecast for Mauna Kea observatories"
Temperature Dependence of the Structure of Liquid Indium
Temperature fluctuations in interstellar dust grains