Notes on Feige's gumball machines problem
Notes on risk theory
Notes on the Cauchy Problem for Backward Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Notes on the occupancy problem with infinitely many boxes: general asymptotics and power laws
Notes on the two-dimensional fractional Brownian motion
Nourdin-Peccati analysis on Wiener and Wiener-Poisson space for general distributions
Nova Pictoris
Novel Bounds on Marginal Probabilities
Novel Characteristics of Split Trees by use of Renewal Theory
Novel method for acquisition and identification of satellites in a cluster for laser communication applications
Novel scaling limits for critical inhomogeneous random graphs
November Meteors
Nuclear transmutations induced by low energy γ-rays.
Nucleation and growth for the Ising model in d dimensions at very low temperatures
Nucleation rate of critical droplets on an elastic string in a ϕ6 potential
Nucleosynthesis of 180Ta in the s-process.
Null flows, positive flows and the structure of stationary symmetric stable processes
Number of Complete N-ary Subtrees on Galton-Watson Family Trees
Number of Edges in Random Intersection Graph on Surface of a Sphere
Number of paths versus number of basis functions in American option pricing