Modeling Credit Risk with Partial Information
Modeling financial assets without semimartingales
Modeling Flocks and Prices: Jumping Particles with an Attractive Interaction
Modeling Flocks and Prices: Jumping Particles with an Attractive Interaction (shortened version)
Modeling Grain Formation in Classical Nova Shells
Modeling line emission in PDRs
Modeling Multiple Risks: Hidden Domain of Attraction
Modeling Nuclear Fusion with an Ultracold Nonneutral Plasma
Modeling Of Mercury's Exosphere With External And Internal Forcing
Modeling of particle flow due to ultrasonic drilling
Modeling of solar oscillation power spectra
Modeling Technogenous Contamination of the Near-Earth Space
Modeling the Dust Infrared Emission from Nearby Galaxies
Modeling the PAH Emission Spectra of Protoplanetary and Debris Disks
Modeling the Twin Peak QPO Distribution in the Atoll Source 4U 1636-53
Modelling Derivatives Pricing Mechanisms with Their Generating Functions
Modelling of Optically Thick Cometary Comae
Modelling of stock price changes: a real analysis approach
Modelling the twin peak QPO distribution in the atoll source 4U 1636-53
Models for correlated multifractal hypersurfaces