Local irregularities in the occurrence probability distribution of auroras
Local limit approximations for Markov population processes
Local limit of labeled trees and expected volume growth in a random quadrangulation
Local limit theorems for finite and infinite urn models
Local limit theorems for ladder epochs
Local limit theorems in free probability theory
Local limit theorems via Landau-Kolmogorov inequalities
Local limit theory and large deviations for supercritical Branching processes
Local probabilities for random walks conditioned to stay positive
Local Semicircle law and Gaussian fluctuation for Hermite $β$ ensemble
Local semicircle law at the spectral edge for Gaussian $β$-ensembles
Local semicircle law in the bulk for Gaussian $β$-ensemble
Local Strict Comparison Theorem and Converse Comparison Theorems for Reflected Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
Local structure of random quadrangulations
Local tail bounds for functions of independent random variables
Local Time Analysis of Jovian Radio Emission
Local time and Tanaka formula for G-Brownian Motion
Local Time in Parisian Walkways
Local time occurrence frequency of energetic ions in the earth's magnetosheath
Local time of a diffusion in a stable Lévy environment