Limiting laws for long Brownian Bridges perturbed by their one-sided maximum, III
Limiting Laws of Linear Eigenvalue Statistics for Unitary Invariant Matrix Models
Limiting laws of supercritical branching random walks
Limiting search cost distribution for the move-to-front rule with random request probabilities
Limiting shape for directed percolation models
Limiting shapes for deterministic centrally seeded growth models
Limiting spectral distribution of a new random matrix model with dependence across rows and columns
Limiting Spectral Distribution of Block Matrices with Toeplitz Block Structure
Limiting Spectral Distribution of Sample Autocovariance Matrices
Limiting velocity of high-dimensional random walk in random environment
Limits of bifractional Brownian noises
Limits of determinantal processes near a tacnode
Limits Of One Dimensional Diffusions
Limits of spiked random matrices I
Limits of spiked random matrices II
Limits on charge states of high energy solar flare ions measured in 1982 by the Phoenix-1 experiment.
Limits on Metallicity Scatter Require Infall Consist of pc-size Clouds
Limits to consistent on-line forecasting for ergodic time series
Limsup behaviors of multi-dimensional selfsimilar processes with independent increments
Line crossing problem for biased monotonic random walks in the plane