Distributions of linear functionals of two parameter Poisson--Dirichlet random measures
Distributions of Roots of Reduced Cubic Equations with Random Coefficients
Distributions of the interplanetary magnetic field revisited
Distributions of traffics and their free product: an asymptotic freeness theorem for random matrices and a central limit theorem
Distributions on unbounded moment spaces and random moment sequences
Diurnal variations of ELF transients and background noise in the Schumann resonance band
Divergence of a stationary random vector field can be always positive (a Weiss' phenomenon)
Divergence of the multilevel Monte Carlo Euler method for nonlinear stochastic differential equations
Divergence theorems in path space III: hypoelliptic diffusions and beyond
Diverse Impact Outcomes and Compositional Changes during the End Stage of Terrestrial Planet Formation
Divisors of Bernoulli sums
Do comets have satellites
Do OB Runaway Stars Have Pulsar Companions?
Do Quasar Ley Lines Really Exist
Do the redshifts of gravitational lens galaxies rule out a large cosmological constant?
Dobrushin conditions for systematic scan with block dynamics
Does saturation cratering exist in the solar system?
Does the observed radiation of powerful galactic H2O masers possess coherent properties?
Does waste-recycling really improve Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo algorithm?
Doing more with less: Bayesian estimation of erosion models with detrital thermochronometric data