Distinct metastable atmospheric regimes despite nearly Gaussian statistics: A paradigm model
Distinguished exchangeable coalescents and generalized Fleming-Viot processes with immigration
Distinguished properties of the gamma process and related topics
Distinguishing Phenocrysts From Xenocrysts; Dating the Onset of Volcanic Activity on the Isle of Rum, Scotland.
Distortion mismatch in the quantization of probability measures
Distributed Algorithms in an Ergodic Markovian Environment
Distributed-order fractional Cauchy problems on bounded domains
Distribution and asymptotics under beta random scaling
Distribution function of precipitating ion beams with velocity dispersion observed near the poleward edge of the nightside auroral oval
Distribution function of the numbers of faint galaxies
Distribution Functions for Edge Eigenvalues in Orthogonal and Symplectic Ensembles: Painlevé Representations
Distribution Functions for Edge Eigenvalues in Orthogonal and Symplectic Ensembles: Painlevé Representations II
Distribution functions of linear combinations of lattice polynomials from the uniform distribution
Distribution functions of Poisson random integrals: Analysis and computation
Distribution functions of the envelope and phase of a periodically nonstationary process frequently encountered in radio physics
Distribution of auroral surges in the evening sector
Distribution of branch lengths and phylogenetic diversity under homogeneous speciation models
Distribution of Eigenvalues of Highly Palindromic Toeplitz Matrices
Distribution of Eigenvalues of Real Symmetric Palindromic Toeplitz Matrices and Circulant Matrices
Distribution of Eigenvalues of Weighted, Structured Matrix Ensembles