Balls-in-boxes duality for coalescing random walks and coalescing Brownian motions
Balmer line profiles for infalling T Tauri envelopes
Bandit problems with Levy payoff processes
Barremian rift-related turbidites and alkaline volcanism in southern Mexico and their role in the opening of the Gulf of Mexico
Barycenters of measures transported by stochastic flows
Baseline design of new horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper belt
Baseline uncertainties in biomass burning emission models resulting from spatial error in satellite active fire location data
Basic Estimates of Stability Rate for One-dimensional Diffusions
Basic properties of SLE
Basic Properties of Strong Mixing Conditions. A Survey and Some Open Questions
Basic properties of the Multivariate Fractional Brownian Motion
Basic properties of the natural parametrization for the Schramm-Loewner evolution
Basic techniques in two-dimensional critical Ising percolation with investigation of scaling relations
Batch queues, reversibility and first-passage percolation
BATSE software for the analysis of the gamma ray burst spatial distribution
Baxter's inequality for fractional Brownian motion-type processes with Hurst index less than 1/2
Bayes' Theorem and the Real SETI Equation
Bayesian analysis of ion beam diagnostics
Bayesian Analysis of RHESSI Flare Data: Effect of Prior Information on Determining the Low-energy Cutoff and the Total Electron Content
Bayesian Analysis of RHESSI Flare Spectra