Brownian motion in riemannian admissible complex
Brownian Motion of a Torsion Pendulum Damped by Internal Friction.
Brownian motion on disconnected sets, basic hypergeometric functions, and some continued fractions of Ramanujan
Brownian motion on R trees
Brownian motion on the Sierpinski carpet
Brownian motion with killing and reflection and the "hot--spots" problem
Brownian motion with respect to time-changing Riemannian metrics, applications to Ricci flow
Brownian motion with variable drift can be space-filling
Brownian motion with variable drift: 0-1 laws, hitting probabilities and Hausdorff dimension
Brownian motion, reflection groups and Tanaka formula
Brownian Motions on Metric Graphs
Brownian Motions on Metric Graphs I - Definition, Feller Property, and Generators
Brownian Motions on Metric Graphs II - Construction of Brownian Motions on Single Vertex Graphs
Brownian Motions on Metric Graphs III - Construction: General Metric Graphs
Brownian Motions on Metric Graphs: Feller Brownian Motions on Intervals Revisited
Brownian moving averages have conditional full support
Brownian semistationary processes and conditional full support
Brownian Sheet and Quasi-Sure Analysis
Brownian sheet and reflectionless potentials
Brownian Sheet Images and Bessel-Riesz Capacity