Atomic nitrogen in the polar upper atmosphere
Atomic oxygen-metal surface studies as applied to mass spectrometer measurements of upper planetary atmospheres
Atomic-scale structures of interfaces between phyllosilicate edges and water
Attempt to Determine the Elastic Proton-Nucleon Cross Section at 83 GeV
Attracting edge and strongly edge reinforced walks
Attraction time for strongly reinforced walks
Attractive n-type contact processes
Attractive nearest-neighbor spin systems on the integers in a randomly evolving environment
Attractive regular stochastic chains: perfect simulation and phase transition
Attractivity, invariance and ergodicity for SDEs on Riemannian manifolds
Attractors and Expansion for Brownian Flows
Atypical influence of the 2007 La Niña on rainfall and temperature in southeastern Australia
Auroral origin of a component of Jupiter's decametric radiation
Auroras Now! - Auroral nowcasting service for Hotels in Finnish Lapland and its performance during winter 2003-2004
AustroMars and PolAres: Measuring forward contamination during Mars-analogue missions
Autocorrelation central value in clipped photon-counting detection from the moments of the total number of counts
Autocorrelations of the characteristic polynomial of a random matrix under microscopic scaling
Automated analysis of slitless spectra. II - Quasars
Automated detection and 3D reconstruction of EUV prominences
Automated Detection and Deblending of Objects Based on Sérsic Profiles