Analysis of the market weights under the Volatility-Stabilized Market models
Analysis of the optimal exercise boundary of American options for jump diffusions
Analysis of the pulsating white dwarf G185-32
Analysis of the Rosenblatt process
Analysis of the stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo system
Analysis of the structure function for the spatial distribution of galaxies in the random-walk model.
Analysis of top to bottom-$k$ shuffles
Analysis of top-swap shuffling for genome rearrangements
Analysis of upper and lower bounds of the frame noise in linear detector arrays
Analysis on Path Spaces over Riemmannian Manifolds with Boundary
Analysis on Wiener Space and Applications
Analytic and asymptotic properties of multivariate generalized Linnik's probability densities
Analytic Behaviour Of Bound-Bound And Bound-Free Escape Factors For The Balmer Spectrum In Solar Prominences.
Analytic continuations of Fourier and Stieltjes transforms and generalized moments of probability measures
Analytic crossing probabilities for certain barriers by Brownian motion
Analytic formula of the transition probability for a neutrino propagating through fluctuating matter
Analytic solution of a chaotic inflaton
Analytic treatment of high-order adiabatic approximations of two-neutrino oscillations in matter
Analytic urns
Analytical and easily calculated expressions for continuous commutation functions under Gompertz-Makeham mortality