Analysis of a Stochastic Predator-Prey Model with Applications to Intrahost HIV Genetic Diversity
Analysis of an M/M/1 Queue Using Fixed Order of Search for Arrivals and Service
Analysis of continuous strict local martingales via h-transforms
Analysis of Convergence Rates of Some Gibbs Samplers on Continuous State Spaces
Analysis of Damage Probability for Collision Between Space Debris and a Satellite in Low-Earth Orbit
Analysis of error propagation in particle filters with approximation
Analysis of jump processes with nondegenerate jumping kernels
Analysis of MHD Interstellar Turbulence using Tsallis Statistics
Analysis of Multiserver Retrial Queueing System: A Martingale Approach and an Algorithm of Solution
Analysis of near-separatrix motion in planetary systems
Analysis of phase transitions in the mean-field Blume-Emery-Griffiths model
Analysis of Photon-Counting Probability Distributions Attached to Euclidean Landau Levels
Analysis of relative proper motion - an improved method to assign membership probabilities in open clusters
Analysis of saturated intensity fluctuations during the propagation of radio waves through circumsolar plasma
Analysis of SPDEs Arising in Path Sampling Part I: The Gaussian Case
Analysis of SPDEs arising in path sampling part II: The nonlinear case
Analysis of stochastic fluid queues driven by local time processes
Analysis of the cycle-slipping of the servo-loops in quantum frequency standard with Fokker-Planck equation.
Analysis of the data recorded by the Mont Blanc neutrino detector and by the Maryland and Rome gravitational-wave detectors during SN 1987 A
Analysis of the expected number of bit comparisons required by Quickselect