A mathematical theory of gravitational collapse
A method for generating exact Bianchi type II cosmological models
A model for peaking of galactic gravitational radiation
A multipolar stationary object embedded in a gravitational field.
A necessary and sufficient condition for York data to specify an asymptotically flat spacetime
A new class of exact solutions in general relativity representing perfect fluid balls.
A new type of gravitational interaction with parity violation and its role in gravidynamics and electrodynamics
A New Variational Approach to the Stability of Gravitational Systems
A nonintegrable model in general relativity
A nonlinear eigenvalue problem in astrophysical magnetohydrodynamics: some properties of the spectrum.
A note on Tauber's expanding universe in conformally flat coordinates.
a Note on the Foundation of Relativistic Mechanics:. Covariant Hamiltonian General Relativity
A note on the Hénon-Heiles problem
A note on the unimodular theory of gravitation.
A point mass in a Einstein Universe
A Producer of Universes
A Proposal to Extend Duality in String Theory in Three Dimensions
A quantum cosmological model in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity
A quantum mechanics glimpse to standard cosmology
A relativistic approach to quadrupole effects on planetary orbits