Baby universe theory.
Ballistic transport in planetary ring systems due to particle erosion mechanisms. I - Theory, numerical methods, and illustrative examples
Basic equations for the massive gravitational field
Behavior of Phantom Scalar Fields near Black Holes
Bianchi type I cosmological model with a viscous fluid
Bianchi type-I cosmological models in Lyra's geometry.
Bianchi type-VI0 solutions in modified Brans-Dicke cosmology
Bianchi VI0 viscous fluid cosmology with magnetic field
Birkhoff Gravitational Field of Milne's Universe
Birkhoff-type theorem in self-creation cosmology
Black hole thermodynamics and spectral analysis.
Black holes in general relativity
Black holes in the Brans-Dicke: Theory of gravitation
BOOK REVIEW: Canonical Gravity and Applications: Cosmology, Black Holes, and Quantum Gravity Canonical Gravity and Applications: Cosmology, Black Holes, and Quantum Gravity
Bounds for Mass and Rotation of Black Holes in the Observable Universe
Bounds on number of cusps due to point mass gravitational lenses.
Breakdown of smooth solutions of the three-dimensional Euler-Poisson system
Bunting identity and Mazur identity for non-linear elliptic systems including the black hole equilibrium problem