Faraday transport in a curved space-time
Fields and connections in a fiber bundle over spacetime arising from the reduction of the multidimensional linear connection
Finiteness of the discrete spectrum of the Schrödinger operator of three particles on a lattice
Fixed points due to gravitational lenses.
Fluctuation-dissipation theorems in an expanding universe
Fluctuations of a rotating impulsive wave.
Fluctuations of a spherical gravitational impulsive wave.
Fluid of multidimensional objects in cosmology.
Foliations of space-times by spacelike hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature
Free energy of a screened ion pair
Friedmann model of evolution of the universe in the relativistic theory of gravitation
Friedmann universe and superluminal Dirac particles
Full causal bulk-viscous cosmological models.