Gauge conditions in modern Kaluza-Klein theory.
Gauge fixing and massless, integral-spin fields in de sitter space
Gaussian wave packet states of scalar fields in a universe of de Sitter
General Form of the Einstein Equations for a Bianchi Type IX Universe
General integrable problems of classical mechanics
Generalized axisymmetric spacetimes
Generalized Stephani universes
Generalized Symmetries for the SDIFF(2) Toda Equation
Generalized κ-DEFORMATIONS and Deformed Relativistic Scalar Fields on Noncommutative Minkowski Space
Generic instability of rotating relativistic stars
Geodesic motion and confinement in van Stockum space-time.
Geodesic multiplication and the theory of gravity.
Geometric POV-Measures, Pseudo-Kählerian Functions and Time
Geometrical perturbation theory: action-principle surface terms in homogeneous cosmology
Geometry of canonical variables in gravity theories
Geometry of multidimensional universes
Global aspects of fixing the gauge in the Polyakov string and Einstein gravity
Global effects of the production of scalar matter in quantum cosmology
Global existence of time-dependent Yang-Mills-Higgs monopoles
Global gravitational anomalies