Radial conformal motions in Minkowski space-time
Radiation (damping) in a universe with topologically closed space sections
Radion Physics, Stability and Cosmological issues
Ramond-Ramond Fields in Orientifold Backgrounds and K-Theory
Relativistic Diffusion in Gödel's Universe
Relativistic eccentric anomalies.
Relativistic Processes and the Internal Structure of Neutron Stars
Relativistic quantum chaos in Robertson-Walker cosmologies.
Relativistic string model in a space-time of a constant curvature
Relativistic surface with maximal acceleration
Relativistic theory of gravity and a Brans-Dicke scalar field
Remarks on cosmological spacetimes and constant mean curvature surfaces
Remarks on the geometric quantization of the Kepler problem
Repulsive and attractive timelike singularities in vacuum cosmologies
Retarded and Advanced Electromagnetic Fields in Friedmann Universes
Rigid cosmology: A classical analysis
Rotating viscous-fluid cosmologies with scalar field and heat flux
Rotation does not enhance mixing in the mixmaster universe
Rotation in cosmology: Comments on ``Imparting rotation to a Bianchi type II space-time,'' by M. J. Rebouças and J. B. S. d'Olival [J. Math. Phys. 27, 417 (1986)] and similar papers
Rotation numbers of periodic orbits in the Hénon map