Mass of Newtonian stars in the relativistic theory of gravitation and in general relativity
Mathematical Structures in Perturbation Quantum Field Theory
Maxwell fields in anisotropic space-times
Maxwell's equations and complex Minkowski space
Maxwell's equations in an expanding universe
Maxwell's equations in divergence form for general media with applications to MHD
Meta universe
Minimal coupling of electromagnetic fields in Riemann-Cartan space-times for perfect fluids with spin density.
Minimally classifying relative equilibria
Mode stability of the Kerr black hole.
More qualitative cosmology
Morse theory and gravitational microlensing.
Moyal Star-Product on a Hilbert Space
Multicentered solution for maximally charged dilaton black holes in arbitrary dimensions.
Multiplane gravitational lensing. I. Morse theory and image counting.
Multiplane gravitational lensing. II. Global geometry of caustics.
Multiple Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves in an Underdense Plasma
Multiply connected universes and inequivalent fields
My Recollections of Jerzy Plebanski
Myers-Perry Solution in 4D