Finiteness of extension functors of local cohomology modules
Finiteness of Hilbert functions and bounds for Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of initial ideals
Finiteness properties of duals of local cohomology modules
Finiteness properties of formal local cohomology modules and Cohen-Macaulayness
Finiteness property of local cohomology for $F$-pure local rings
Finiteness theorems and algorithms for permutation invariant chains of Laurent lattice ideals
Finitistic Extension Degree
Finitistic Weak Dimension of Commutative Arithmetical Rings
First Nonlinear Syzygies of Ideals Associated to Graphs
First, second, and third change of rings theorems for the Gorenstein homological dimensions
Fitting ideals and the Gorenstein property
Flat Ideals and Stability in Integral Domains
Flat modules and Gröbner bases over truncated discrete valuation rings
Flatness testing over singular bases
Fonction asymptotique de Samuel des sections hyperplanes et multiplicité
Forcing algebras, syzygy bundles, and tight closure
Forcing the Strong Lefschetz and the Maximal Rank Properties
Formulas for the multiplicity of graded algebras
Formulas of F-thresholds and F-jumping coefficients on toric rings
Foxby equivalence over associative rings