L'Algebre Tropicale Comme Algebre De la Caracteristique 1 : Algebre Lineaire Sur Les Semi-Corps Idempotents
L. Szpiro's conjecture on Gorenstein algebras in codimension 2
Lambda-conductors for group rings
Laurent coefficients and Ext of finite graded modules
Layered Tropical Mathematics
Lefschetz elements of Artinian Gorenstein algebras and Hessians of homogeneous polynomials
Lefschetz extensions, tight closure, and big Cohen-Macaulay algebras
Lemme d'Artin-Rees, theoreme d'Izumi et fonction de Artin
Length complexity of tensor products
Length Formulas for the Homology of Generalized Koszul Complexes
Level algebras of type 2
Level algebras through Buchsbaum* manifolds
Level algebras with bad properties
Level rings arising from meet-distributive meet-semilattices
Lexsegment ideals are sequentially Cohen-Macaulay
Liaison and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity
Liaison and Related Topics: Notes from the Torino Workshop/School
Liaison classes of modules
Liaison of varieties of small dimension and deficiency modules
Lie Rinehart Bialgebras for Crossed Products