B-sequence and approximations of generalized Cohen-Macaulay ideals
Balance with Unbounded Complexes
Balanced vertex decomposable simplicial complexes and their h-vectors
Base change of invariant subrings
Bass Numbers and Semidualizing Complexes
Baxter Algebras, Stirling Numbers and Partitions
Bazzoni-Glaz Conjecture
Behavior of local cohomology modules under polarization
Betti Numbers and Degree Bounds for Some Linked Zero-Schemes
Betti numbers and shifts in minimal graded free resolutions
Betti numbers of determinantal ideals
Betti Numbers of Graded Modules and Cohomology of Vector Bundles
Betti numbers of graded modules and the Multiplicity Conjecture in the non-Cohen-Macaulay case
Betti Numbers of Graph Ideals
Betti numbers of hypergraphs
Betti numbers of mixed product ideals
Betti numbers of monomial ideals and shifted skew shapes
Betti numbers of multigraded modules of generic type
Betti numbers of path ideals of cycles and line
Betti numbers of Stanley--Reisner rings with pure resolutions