Ueber die Tiefe von Invariantenringen unendlicher Gruppen
Ultrafilter and Constructible topologies on spaces of valuation domains
Un module inversible associé au ruban de Möbius, et quelques autres
Uniform annihilators of local cohomology
Uniform Behaviour of the Frobenius closures of ideals generated by regular sequences
Uniform bounds in generalized Cohen-Macaulay rings
Unique representation domains, II
Uniquely presented finitely generated commutative monoids
Uniqueness of real closure * of regular rings
Universal denominators of Hilbert series
Universal Enveloping Algebras of Lie Antialgebras
Universally catenarian integral domains, strong S-domains and semistar operations
Universally Koszul algebras defined by graphs
Unmixed bipartite graphs and sublattices of the Boolean lattices
Unmixed Graphs that are Domains
Unmixed local rings with minimal Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity are regular
Unramified Brauer groups for groups of order p^5
Upgraded methods for the effective computation of marked schemes on a strongly stable ideal
Upper Bounds for Betti Numbers of Multigraded Modules
Upper bounds for dimensions of singularity categories