w-Divisorial Domains
w-Divisoriality in Polynomial Rings
W-Jaffard domains in pullbacks
Weak Normality and Seminormality
Weak subintegral closure of ideals
Well, Papa, can you multiply triplets?
Well-centered Overrings of a Commutative Ring in Pullbacks and Trivial Extensions
Well-centered overrings of an integral domain
What is a system of parameters?
What is the Rees Algebra of a Module?
When an amalgamated duplication of a ring along an ideal is quasi-Frobenius
When are There Infinitely Many Irreducible Elements in a Principal Ideal Domain?
When does the F-signature exist?
When does the subadditivity theorem for multiplier ideals hold?
When every Gorenstein projective (resp. flat) module is strongly Gorenstein projective (resp. flat)
When every principal ideal is flat
When is there a nontrivial extension-closed subcategory?
When is there a unique socle-vector associated to a given $h$-vector?
When is tight closure determined by the test ideal?
When the associated graded ring of a semigroup ring is Complete Intersection